Innovation Voucher
The Business Finland Innovation Voucher is aimed at SMEs with a new product or service idea and international growth potential.
Supports business growth
The Business Finland Innovation Voucher is aimed at SMEs with a new product or service idea and international growth potential and for which the company needs external competence. The purpose of the voucher is to find new opportunities for businesses to support their business growth and to encourage new businesses to generate innovations.
SMEs can use the innovation voucher to purchase expert services related to innovation activities. Innovation activities refer to all measures employed by your company to develop its products, services or processes, or to acquire new knowledge and competence required in innovation activities. Business Finland grants the innovation voucher as a type of de minimis aid.
The innovation voucher has a value of EUR 5,000 (VAT 0%), of which the company’s self-financing contribution share is EUR 1,000. The voucher is a de minimis grant.
Kasve has been selected as an Innovation Voucher service provider. You can use the voucher for a variety of measures that promote your innovation activities and internationalisation efforts, including:
- Developing international business
- Market and distribution channel surveys
- Developing strategy and business conditions
- Developing quality management and audits in the health industry
- Conducting surveys and developing services related to product development and a CE marking
For more information and application instructions, see the Business Finland website.
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Elias Haapakorva
Executive Chairman (-10/2023); Head of QARA, Medical Devices